
Abhejali Bernardová – Inspirující příběh plavkyně, která na cestě k poznání sebe samé překonala 7 oceánů – podcast Proti proudu
Abhejali je dálková plavkyně, běžkyně, motivační řečnice a překladatelka. Jako desátý člověk na světě, čtvrtá žena a první člověk ze země bez moře...

Tough Girl Podcast – Abhejali Bernardová
Abhejali Bernardova (44, Czech Republic) of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team completed an extreme ultra-triathlon from Dover to Prague, during which...

Pushing boundaries with channel swimmer Abhejali Bernardová – theoutdoorstudio.co.uk
This post is part of my #makingwaves series – intrepid and inspirational women with an uplifting story to tell. “What? You’re saying you’ve actually...

Za La Manche triatlon jsem nominovaná na světové ocenění WOWSA Woman of the Year pro osobnosti napříč plaveckými disciplínami na otevřené vodě. Do...

HeadRightOut podcast – Abhejali Bernardová
Oceans Seven & 1111km Extreme Ultra-Triathlon — Strength, Meditation and Mindful Music Only the 10th person in history (the 4th woman and first...
The Remarkable Abhejali Bernardova
An interview with the remarkable Abhejali Bernardova recorded on 18th March 2021. Abhejali is a Record...
Abhejali Bernardová Talks About Her Oceans Seven Journey On WOWSA Live
Abhejali Bernardová was the 10th person in history to complete the Oceans Seven. The 43-year-old extreme...

Abhejali Bernardová Continues Her Mission In Palau – WOWSA
Courtesy of WOWSA, Ngerekebesang Island, Palau. After completing the Oceans Seven in Abhejali Bernardová recently competed...

Oblíbené a inspirující knihy
Abhejali Bernardové Plavecké Lynne Cox • Swimming to Antarctica (Antarktická míle: Silná žena, strhující příběh a neuvěřitelné dobrodružství, které...

www.stuff.co.nz – European completes Ocean’s Seven with Cook Strait swim
excerpt Seasickness, a jelly fish in her swimsuit and huge post-Gita swells could not stop Abhejali Bernardova from completing her...
Rare feat achieved with Cook Strait swim – www.rnz.co.nz
A Czech woman has swum across the Cook Strait, despite stormy conditions, to complete the Ocean's Seven challenge. Photo: Niwa/Craig Stevens...

Swimmer crosses Cook Strait despite rough seas – www.scoop.co.nz
Swimmer crosses Cook Strait despite rough seas in the wake of Cyclone Gita Despite stormy seas and strong currents potentially ruining any chance of...
I Swim
I am an Oceans Seven swimmer, the 10th person in history, 4th woman and 1st swimmer from a landlocked country (and probably 1st vegetarian) to complete this challenge. I have also achieved the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming. In 2021 I completed an English Channel triathlon. In 2018 and 2021 I was nominated for the World Open Water Swimming Woman of the Year award.
I Meditate
I have been meditating every day since 1995. Meditation helps me to know myself better. Meditation teaches me to explore my limits, the limits of the possible and the impossible. Meditation puts together everything that happens in my life and gives it a deeper meaning. I’m actually doing all that I do because of meditation.
My path
We each have a unique path to follow in our lives and that’s absolutely amazing. My path is unbelievable too, and I’m incredibly grateful for it. Most days are sunlit, and those few cloudy ones are there to keep me appreciating the sunshine. But there is a lot of work involved, work on myself – because I don’t always want to get up in the morning and meditate and then go to the pool, and sometimes I get upset with someone, and since I don’t want to be upset, I need to work on that, to change something in myself. But this work is definitely worth it, the journey itself is richly rewarding. I know if I am going in the right direction by how I feel and how much I smile. Since I was 18 years old my guide on this journey has been my meditation teacher Sri Chinmoy.
I teach meditation classes and sing in a music group called Agnikana’s Group.
I Run
I am a member of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team and have completed a 6-day race (385 miles – 616km) where I finished 2nd. I am also a multiple national champion at 100kms and 24 hours.